The government could make paper work for doctors to insurance almost nonexistent, making the need for high staff absolute, and could computerize all patents files so that any doctor from any where with a password or cd could have a patents medical history right then. No wait time, insurance claims have no red tape. This alone would drive the cost of insurance down, Also, we could pass laws making it harder for law suites to happen which would make a doctors malpractice insurance go down which would make health care costs go down...Any comments. This question will be put to a vote it more then 4 answers...

Billing for Medicaid and Medicare can be just as complicated as billing for insurance companies. The hospital system I work for has a larger staff for Medicaid and Medicare billing/follow up than they do for insurance billing/follow up.

Given that Medicaid and Medicare are both government run programs, no...I do not think that the government taking over health care would reduce any of the hassles, red tape, or paper work.

Would more individuals have access to basic health care? Yes, most likely.

Would things be any less complicated from the doctor/hospital/medical provider perspective? Nope.

Change in a good way, or a bad way?

Bottom line - government screws up everything it interferes with.

Also, the main reason health costs are skyrocketing, is because USAGE is skyrocketing. Yep, Americans are eating more, eating worse, and getting really, really fat. We smoke. We drink lots of alcohol. We hate our veggies. We love our big macs.

Until THAT changes, costs are going to keep going upwards.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: Do you think the government can be successful in changing the way doctors deal with insurance and patents?