I recently went to the hospital and was emitted for three days due to an exacerbation of Crohn's disease. They did a CT Scan and found that my colon was inflamed (what Crohn's disease is) and a small amount of free fluid in my pelvic region. I told them that it was difficult to pee, and that I had stomach problems. I also had a high fever. Although they found this small fluid, they never told me anything about it. They put me on cortosteroids (which I told them I had taken before and they did more harm than good) and two other medications and discharged me. Immediately, I experienced side effects from the medication, but did not want to be hospitalized again, due to school. Eventually, I gave in and went back where they found that the small fluid had formed a big abscess made worse by the steroids suppression of my immune system. Now I have to petition for a medical withdraw from school, I have nearly $ 10,000 in medical bills, and my mom missed two days of work because of the possible need for me to have surgery. I feel that they could have rectified the abscess the first visit saving me $ 6,000 and pain and suffering and withdraw from school. The bacteria in the abscess turned out to be E. Coli and some other bacteria which can be lethal. Was it not wrong for them to check this fluid the first time or at least tell me and get my opinion? Was it also not wrong for them to not listen to me when I said that the cortosteroids gave me negative side effects? Just wondering if I could make this a case.

I got dizzy looking at your wall-of-text.

Can I sue you?

The general rule is this.

You presented with an ailment and a set of symptoms. The doctors are obliged to follow the standard medical procedure for a person in your condition. A CT Scan was performed because your symptoms warranted it. It wasn't performed because the CT Scan technician had nothing to do.

As for the small fluid, what is the standard medical procedure for that? Did the doctors follow procedure? Maybe they did.

Are cortasteriods the only treatment option for your immediate condition? If that drug is the only drug that can be used then what did you expect the doctors to do? Let you suffer? What if doing nothing would have resulted in far greater problems vs. doing something that sadly did not work out as planned?

Chron's disease is a chronic medical condition and you should have an ongoing doctor patient relationship with a doctor who has history with you. You were in the hopsital for 3 days. If you have a primary care doctor then why didn't you call him? He would have been the best person to offer up treatment advice because that doctor knows your history with the illness.

Yes, you can sue the hospital for negligence.

Any negligence suit like this will cost YOU thousands of dollars and hundreds, if not thousands, of hours. You will need an attorney with experience in medical issues. You will need a doctor willing to testify that the ER doctor did not follow usual and customary care for your case. And you will need a jury that is sympathetic to yet another person trying to get rich by suing a doctor and/or hospital.

All in all, your chances of actually winning anything are very, very slim.

Kathi S
If they told you that you needed to be admitted and you refused and then you developed a complication that's on you. They gave you the treatment they felt was best for your condition at the time if you were admitted then they might have been able to prevent the complication.

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Orignal From: Tips: Can I sue the hospital for negligence?