I broke my knee april of 2010 the doc said i fractured the left side of it and fragment are in my acl doc wanna do sergery but im still gonna have knee problems like arthritis i also live in wiscinsin

Lauren Armstrong
I think you should cut back on pot by the look of your spelling.

Awww I really know how you feel because this summer I had a knee injury too (I dislocated my knee cap but instead of leaving my leg staight and letting th dr fix it I pulled my leg and bent it to my chest so I can hug it... It ruined everything inside my knee and I got surgery and it was internally bleeding and I was in bed all summer and I misse my 8th grade graduation) but while I was in so much pain I was stress and I always wanted to throw up so I asked my mom if I can get a marijuana prescription and she said I gotta ask my dad (he's also a dr) and he said I have to see my knee dr so when I saw my knee dr he said no ecause I'll get Better

well basically I'm trying to say is see your dr

im so sorry that good people like us have to go through this
I know how you feel
hope u feel better!


Sounds like a pretty wicked knee injury. However, the arthritis you will have will not be the completely crippling kind of arthritis and it will be addressed with normal pain medicines like Advil. I don't believe Wisconsin has medical prescriptions for marijuana. If you lived in California I am pretty sure you could tell them you get random pain in your wrist with no medical track record of wrist pain and they would write the prescription no strings attached.

You can actually prevent getting arthritis. Early treatment is the best way to control the progression of the disease. You can find some good information about arthritis, ways to treat it and control it and also a list of natural supplements in a free eBook from: http://www.arthritis-answers-online.com

I'm thinking that's a pretty lame excuse to get high
grow up

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Orignal From: I have a knee injury could i get medical marijuana perscription?