My last AF was 18 August 2010. I had unusual bleeding, 13 days straight. But today, I am still waiting. I took a pregnancy test but it was negative. I'm TTC and this weird behaviour of my AF is making it really stressful. What should I do? I've read all the info on ovulation kits, when to know you're ovulating, etc. But I'm terrible at it timing it! Now I've also read that just because you're having AF does NOT mean that you're ovulating!!! What now? :-( Ps. This makes it even worse because a few months ago, I lost my first born baby girl due to medical negligence. She was born sleeping :-( And I'm trying for my 'rainbow' baby now!

Have you tried taking a blood test for pregnancy? sometimes the hormone is so low it wont show in a urine test. My level was so low that even though I missed 3 periods, it took 14 weeks for me to pass a urine test and 2 of them were failed at a doctor's office. Imagine my surprise when I went in for a check up and was told that i was pregnant. They gave me a urine test to make sure and it turned out I was 14 weeks. they later changed it to 12 weeks because she was small in the first ultrasound, however by the time she was born, she was clearly overdue by 2 weeks according to her doctor and the fact that by 6 months, her development was that of a 7 month fetus but my clinic goes by the first ultrasound for a due date so yeah not fun. But ask for a blood pregnancy test, they are 100 percent accurate

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Orignal From: I'm late but not pregnant! What is happening?