Ok so i my b/f (we'll call him bob) has a medical case that he believes is worth taking to a court room.
this is the what happen when he was 17 on of his testicals became swollen so he went to the doctor and they gave him a medication for it but it was the wrong medication that caused it become even more swollen he went back to the doctors and they gave him another medication that brought the swelling down but now his testical is 2 times smaller the the other and has possibly became sterile because of it
it happened about 4 years ago also
we want to know if he was to take it to the court room if he would have a fighting chance?
and does any one know good lawyers in the maine area that would be able to help??
well i found out that when he went back to the doctors and the doctor at the time told him point blank that he had given him the wrong medication
john e
Unfortunately the statute of limitations has probably run. The statute allows a certain length of time from when the patient was treated until a suit is filed. Here in California it is one year.
There really isn't enough information to answer your question. Was your boyfriend warned of possible risks of the medication? Was he advised of other treatment options? Did he seek out a second opinion? What was the outlook if it was untreated? If you think that he might have a legitimate case, you shouldn't have too much trouble finding a lawyer to take your case. But don't expect a quick resolution. Malpractice cases can take years to resolve.
No one can answer you until you reveal the state in which this occurred.
Orignal From: medical malpractice?
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