i am wondering if I was treated unfairly and i am not sure what to do ?
2 1/2 years ago i was booked in for an induction as my baby was 2 weeks over due, that night my waters broke (2am) i was in the hospital at the time, however was kept on a post natal ward as there ws no where else to put me. by 12 am i have still not ben seen by a dr or moved. i went the toliet and realised that the baby had a pooh i was also concerned that she had stopped moving. i told staff who said that i should rest and that there was no room on labour ward for me, they put a monitor on and left me, till 3pm when space became advailable, by that time the baby heart rate had dropped several times, once on labour ward i was placed on a monitor wher dr's where imediatley called, as heart rate dipped so low, prepped for a c section, i got as far as the del room door when they took me back as there was not enough dr and midwifes? i was placed on a drip to speed up the labour, after a hour a 2 alarms for low heart rate i was rushed into theater for an emergancy c section. the baby was born with mec aspiration and pulmonary hypertension. she spent 2 weeks in SCBU on a life support machine, and had to be brought home on oxygen.
She is currently recieving high rate disablitly allowance and under a consultant as she is suffering from breathing problems and is on medication daily.
i would like to know what people think? is this something that i can do anything about or do i have to accept it
I think you have a case and would look for a lawyer with medical negligence experience - if you were in the South West I would suggest Pardoes - they advertised on the radio - I have no personal knowledge.
Orignal From: medical negligence uk?
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