Malpractice or TORT reform is the ONLY concrete health care reform proposal from Republicans in both the Senate and House. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has published several reports where they conclude that there is NO EVIDENCE that malpractice reform will curb down medical costs due to protective measures by Doctors; in fact, they only say that there would be an extremely modest direct cost reduction (0.4 to 0.5% MAYBE). In this video from C-SPAN 3, the CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf told Senator John McCain the truth BUSTING this MYTH. Furthermore., the American Medical Association (AMA) published Malpractice insurance costs up until 2003, when the average malpractice insurance was just 3.4% of Doctor revenues across disciplines. This 3.4% number is in line with Liability insurance paid by Small Businesses.
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Orignal From: MYTH: TORT (malpractice) Reform Will Reduce Costs