every appointment that we've gone to I had him examine the lumps on her forehead and the hard vein in the back of her head. now she went for her shots and I had him check her again and now all of a sudden he wants to send her to see a neurosurgeon for cardiostenosis. where one or more bones close prematurely and causes pressure on the brain. he talked about if it was cardiostenosis that it can be corrected through surgery. she is only 5 1/2 months and I've been telling him that something was wrong from the beginning. the thought of my baby having surgery on her skull is...I can't even put into words it's so scary. I wanted to know whether or not this is a medical malpractice or negligence suit? I know we as humans make mistakes but you can't play around and make life changing mistakes like this with a child's life. sorry so long I just wanted you to get the full story.

Nicholas Giancana
I feel your pain i have a 2 year old daughter and i couldn't imagine her having to get any kind of surgery. (esp. brain surgery) i know the feeling i have a pineal cyst and i've been to many docs who just write it off as no big deal and now all of a sudden they are worried. happens all the time i guess. really the only thing you can do is be strong and pray and let the neurosurgeon do his job. i hope everything works out

I imagine he probably couldn't make an accurate judgement until that stage.

I am sorry to hear about your child, but I'm 99.9% sure he is doing exactly what he's supposed to.

I don't think taking him to court will do any good, especially not for your daughter.

Your physician can only diagnose something that has happened...would you have wanted to put your baby through surgery for something that MIGHT have happened??? It sounds like your pediatrician was being conservative and correct in not ordering surgery before there was anything to fix surgically....I hope all works out well for your child. but it sounds like your pediatrician was correct in both waiting while the baby was small and in ordering the surgery when something is operable....

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Orignal From: I've been telling my child's doctor that something was wrong with her head since she has been born?