Spot Out a Fake Doctor to Reduce Medical Malpractice Victimization!

A doctor is always been a messiah for the human health care and he is the one whom we trust and count on for our healthy life. But the problem is how do we able to know that the doctor is not a fake? Every year there are many cases are administered which are related with doctor medical malpractice, and it's not happening only in some hospitals but actually it's a plaguing problem all over the globe. There are several records that can prove that even doctors make mistakes and commit errors, and we all should know how to prevent ourselves from it.

Six Basic Things to Detect a Fake Doctor

Credential checking is a foremost tool to detect a fake doctor. You can do this by asking at your physician's office. In United States American Medical Association's website database for doctor search is helpful. A healthcare professional should be happy for you to do this; if not, you should consider going elsewhere.
Try to find out personal recommendations and testimonials from friends and family about the doctor.
Determine the doctor's behavior during the meeting. Does he seem to lack knowledge? Is he pushy? Is he not listening properly? If yes, you might want to consider going elsewhere.
Reputable doctors never make promises. Be aware of promises and miracle cures usually fake doctors do. If a doctor claims particular medicines will produce an immediate cure or remedy, it's likely he's a fake.
Fake doctors use sales pitches. A good doctor will never try to sell you medicine or treatment. He would take time to consider which treatment or medicine is right for you.
Trust your instincts. If you feel that your doctor is a fake or unqualified to treat you or trying to take advantage, go elsewhere and get a second opinion.

Check Medical Malpractice Records to Curb the Fear of Fake Doctor:

Fake doctors are everywhere and they are caught red handedly several times doing medical malpractice. The best way to check your doctor is look into the medical malpractice records. In that way you will never become a victim.

Medical malpractice records contain important information that you must know about the doctor before getting a treatment. You will discover the facts about his life like which school he attended, the period when he practiced his profession and the malpractice cases that he was involved in. Some doctors are considered fake because there license to practice has been revoked because of malpractice. It is not illegal at all to check your doctor records as your life is on stake if he is a fake one.


These fake doctors are criminals. They are being looked for by the authority and must be penalized for their wrong doings. If you have doubts with regards to your doctor, you may follow above given 6 basic methods and the easiest way is to do some research online and find out if he is involved in medical malpractice or not. They sure have records there that you can also rely on.

Muhammad Saad Khan is an Executive at Q2 Group. Q2 is specialized in medical credentialing, primary source verification, and medical license verification according to the standards of joint commission international. For more about fake doctor cases and medical malpractice records, please visit (

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