Right now it is unlimited... Does that make sense?

Chri$ Iz a $ pazz
Crickets chirping....

That's where they want to keep it since it goes to that class envy thing. The huge awards are "sharing the wealth" - liberal lawmakers will never cap it because trial lawyers like John Edwards get a percentage and contribute almost exclusivly to Dems.

Fresh Princess
Well I think pain and suffering is priceless.. but if I were to be compensated for it with money.. I would want it to be a lot.

We would leave that in the hands of JURORS.

Noah H
It makes perfect sense. Because of a desire to make more money a doctor in Las Vegas scrimped on cleaning instruments used for colonoscopies and now over a hundred people have hepatitis C.....the prognosis is for a slow death, even with a liver transplant....and there's a chance of death in that operation as well. Pain? Suffering? You bet. Each case is different, and these big awards are rare, but evidently juries sometimes find certain cases so egregious that a few million dollars isn't really enough to replace a ruined life. One more thing! Who exactly are these 'libs'? If you can't argue a case on it's merits then just admit that you can't.

My conversations with libs indicate a desire to make 'pain and suffering' the most costly share of the awards.
They tend to feel that it is fair to issue crippling damages in response to emotional hardship. Some things in life suck. Should I compensate you more because you have a week constitution? There does need to be some limit.

Among lawyers there are many, many conservatives as well as liberals who make an extraordinary amount of money in lawsuits. They would all like to see the highest possible award if they are working on contingency.

There is probably a better way to deal with malpractice, at least initially, than through a lawsuit. Some ideas have been proposed to be included in the health care reform bill.


I asked a question about what people think about these proposals, but no one answered.

Do those who keep harping on "malpractice reform" really want to discuss ideas that would work, or do they just want to demonize the "libs"?

Give your answer to this question below!

Orignal From: Tips: What would the libs have as a maximum for "pain and suffering" awards in malpractice lawsuits?