after all of us are covered under obamas insurance then there should not be any malpractice lawsuits as all the docs get paid by the government.

No but it would probably be the best push toward Tort reform that Republicans want...

Once the public pays collectively, they will probably want to limit how much a victim of the system can collect from the collective.

Seems inevitable to me.

clean truck
no, barry already assured the trial lawyers that he would not take away their big fat medical malpractice checks.

Under Obama`s plan doctors will still buy malpractice insurance from a private company.

Tom S
If they are going to force universal health on us, then they should force tort reform on them. That won't happen, after all Obama and friends are lawyers and when will a lawyer attack one of their own, piranhas don't eat their own.

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Orignal From: Will socialized medicine end malpractice lawsuits?