I was seriously injured in an auto accident and have no personal ins. The dr.'s will not do 3rd. party billing & bill the auto ins. directly. They want me to pay for all care up front. The specialists want $ 500.00-$ 750.00 just for a consultation. I am in constant severe pain & need to get med. care fast but no one will help & the dr.'s won't let me make payments! Go figure. If anyone knows anything that can help or a good lawyer that can help please let me know.
no win no fee
Call a personal injury lawyer.
Those leeches specialize in cases like this. There are hundreds in the phone book. Pick a few out and give em a call.
If you're in real bad pain, go to the ER of a public hospital. They have to treat you regardless if you have no insurance or even cannot pay the bill. Private hospitals, however, can refuse to treat you.
find a really great internee! do you have car insurgents?, if so call them and get an internee!
barbara g
Well once I was hit by an 18 wheeler and instead of taking everyones advice I just looked the first name I found in the phone book and used that guy. It was better than all thse peoples advice and I really got alot of money. His name was Kelly Myers fromCorsicana Tx
from an attorney that specializes in that. not an ambulance chaser....
Nick W
Dear friend,
I would suggest you to take advice from a good lawyer
Orignal From: Where can I get good legal advice about a auto injury and getting some medical help.?
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