A prominent social scientist once said that the level of civilisation achieved by a society is measured by how it treats its most vulnerable. This is the BBC documentary that Bulgarian MEP's did not want the rest of Europe to see - 'Bulgaria's Abandoned Children'. Bulgarian MEPs tried to stop the screening of this documentary at the EU Parliament but were unsuccessful. What would cause such consternation that this documentary would even be screened at the EU Parliament in the first place? At the time when this documentary was aired, Bulgaria was still bleeding from the scandal of the Bulgarian nurses indicted in Libya for the manslaughter of over 300 babies by infecting them with AIDS. At first the government of Bulgaria did not care about the "Libyan Medics" until they were sentenced to death for their criminal negligence causing the eventual death of over 300 babies. Bulgaria viewed the Libyan medics on death row as an indictment upon the entire Bulgarian medical profession, and therefore began an hysterical campaign to "free the medics". Bulgarians insisted on painting the sentence of the Libyan judges with political colours despite the reasonably good relations between Libya and Bulgaria. To the Bulgarian establishment, the death sentence of the Libyan medics was a "conspiracy against Bulgaria". No attention was paid by the Bulgarian establishment to the plight of the 300+ Libyan babies that will soon die due to the medical negligence of the Libyan medics (Bulgarian ...
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Video Rating: 5 / 5
Orignal From: Bulgaria's Abandoned Children - Part 1
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