I am completely miserable right now. For the past 3 days I've been dealing with extreme exhaustion; congestion; stuffy, then runny nose; sore chest and difficulty breathing. I also have a constant sinus headache.

I have asthma and it's difficult for me to breath, especially with everything else thats goiing on and it hurts to cough and my chest is so sore.

I went to the doctors today and she basically told me to "deal with it" because I'm 3 months pregnant and she doesn't want to give me anything for it. I'm having to miss class, work and be completely miserable. Is every medication REALLY that bad? I'm sure theres got to be something that they can prescribe so that I don't have to suffer like this. Do they just have to be overly cautious now because of all the malpractice suits or is EVERY single medication harmful to the baby?
I don't mean to sound ungrateful because I am very happy to be pregnant and will just continue to suffer if thats what I have to do to have a healthy baby but I just wonder if everything is REALLY as bad as the doctor says it is or if they just don't want to take any risk whatsoever for a malpractice suit or something. My mom, aunts and grandma all said they took cold meds during their pregnancies and their babies were completely fine
I'm 13 weeks

they usually dont want to prescribe meds till after the 4month because of the baby developing.

Mommie2B Nov. 6
My doctor prescribed claritin D for me after the first trimester

Mrs. Mary
Did you go to your regular doctor or your OB. You can call your OB and see if they will give you anything but it is typical for a general practitioner to not prescribe you anything when you are pregnant unless it is a severe case. There are OTC drugs you can take, call your OB and ask what you can use. There are different drugs that can be used at the different stages of pregnancy so be sure you talk to your doctor.
Yes, you can take things if you HAVE to. I had strep throat when I was 6 weeks pregnant with my first and had to take an antibiotic along with other stuff. My son is 4 now and perfectly healthy, but it is better to play it safe because things can go wrong.

At 3 months pregnant... my doctor told me I could take Tylenol, Sudafed, nose spray and cough drops.

Feel better.

Allison G
Take some tylenol and drink a coke for the headache. As for the stuffy nose and congestion you're just going to have to deal with it. The doctor can't give you anything for those problems anyway.

Yes, they usually limit the amount of medicine a pregnant woman takes.

Jimmy's Wife 爱中国
Doctors will not prescribe medication to pregnant patients unless it is completely & medically necessary. They don't want to jeopardize the health of the developing fetus, because each person and baby reacts to medication a little differently.

Especially with a cold, there has been huge news about how chemicals in cold medicines are bad for people, especially young, frail children. In addition, cold medicines really only treat the symptoms, not the cold itself, so most doctors will tell you to keep yourself hydrated and rest, and just to let the cold ride itself out.

I know you feel miserable, and I truly sympathize. However, I think your doctor is making the right determination in this case.

Due Nov. 8th with a little girl!
I am going through the same thing right now at 34 weeks. I started off the weekend with a sinus infection and now it has all started draining, which has given me a nice cough. When I called the nurse at my OB she told me that I would need to see a family doctor to get medication, and we do not currently have a family doctor. Long story short, I am spending the day on the couch sick and uncomfortable.

I would just call your family doctor and ask them what you can take, even over the counter. I know that certain forms of Sudafed are okay and ask about Mucinex.

Kirstin Kay
You aren't suppose to take cold meds during the first trimester. http://www.americanpregnancy.org/isitsafe/ That is a good website to bookmark, for future reference. It will help you decide on your own with correct information, as to what s right for you and your baby.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: Is it typical for doctors not to prescribe anything to pregnant women?