I slipped and fell last Dec at my work parking lot that had not been cleared of snow and ice and have had pain on my tail bone and across my buttocks ever since. It has gotten worse over the year and now have pain down my legs , I went for an MRI and was told i have a L5 ruptured disc and DDD. Does anyone know if this can be connected ? I had to have surgery on my knee also and now both knees are hurting can that be connected? I have had nothing but pain since i fell . I now have seen a lawyer and he says i have a case against my work. What do you think?

Mary D
Lawyers always think you have a case. Ruptured L5, due to fall, possibly. DDD, that didn't occur due to a fall. Your knees are not part of your spinal issues.

xo kick it like sof<3
i had a stress fracture in my l5 and it was at high risk of rupturing, i was told if i wasnt careful and it ruptered it would of indeed been fused to my l4? i think it was. so yeah and the knee pain may be related. im so sorry to hear about your injury! :[

My experience (having not gone to medical school!) is that the fall can be related to your problem, but cannot actually bring on the DDD. My doctor explained to me that many people have DDD, but don't know it because they don't have any pain. He said they're not sure why. I don't think your knees can be related unless the pain goes down the back of one or both of your legs (which means a nerve is being pinched.) Good luck to you!

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Orignal From: Did my tail bone injury last year cause my digenetive disc disease and ruptured L5 disc? Had pain ever since?