The reason healthcare costs are so high is because people can sue for millions and millions of dollars if a doctor puts one too many stitches in your finger and you were caused severe emotional distress. Doctors need to purchase high cost insurance plans to cover their ass incase someone sues them, therefore they need to raise the cost of their services to cover their expenses. Reform the laws regarding law suites, save billions of dollars, healthcare costs go down drastically... why isn't this even mention in the new plan?
What was Barack Obama before he entered politics?? What were most members of the senate and of the house before they entered politics???
And do you think the ACLU would allow lawyers to lose a lucrative source of income???
And last of all but first in importance, do you think anybody in congress has the balls to take on the trial lawyers?
That is known as tort reform. Ask your senator or congressperson what they intend to do about tort reform.
Tort reform is only part of it.
A very large part, is how fat we're getting.
But most politicians . . . are lawyers. And lawyers have lots of lobbyists. And they all pay lots of money, to the politicians, to help them get reelected.
Politicians can't go after tort reform, or it will hurt them in the wallet.
Because congress is made up of a bunch of lawyers and they don't want to hurt their brethren from making millions.
That'd be a smart first step. If my doctor didn't have to shell out $ 100,000 in liability premiums then he wouldn't have to charge as much for services.
This is a viscous circle where everyone is involved. The only and true voice will be the voice of the masses. Hope that something is done about this by the "professionals" so that the common man is not burdened.
This would be great for Professional Liability underwriters also.
Orignal From: Why is no one brining up reform for malpractice insurance?
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