i believe i have asthma. yeah i saw a lung doctor 3 times in 10 months time he never said i had asthma, even though i knew i did, gave me meds without seeing me passed me off as not having asthma and within 30 minutes of seeing my new regular doctor and her reading what i gave her she said i had at least exercise induced asthma. my lung doctor said i had reflux even though my symptoms pointed to asthma. my normal peak flow is between 360-400 and one time i saw him my peak flow was only 270 and he let me walk out of his office like that. and at my second appointment i gave the lugn doctor my asthma journal he took it for a few seconds then gave it back to me nevfer opened or read it(which pissed me off). and i just now thought of this: i called the doctor once and asked for an inhaler and he gave me on over the phone, and i just thought of this he gave me that inhaler when he told me that it was not asthma, which is wrong. it was like u give me a rescue inhaler which is used to treat asthma which u say i do not have.

i looked up how to sue a doctor and it said u have to have had harm done because of there neglect, but not sure about that. could i say that the harm is that he gave me meds for a disease he said i did not have?

i need help i want justice.

I dont think that you can actually sue him exactly...just be glad that you have a better doctor now!!

ANSWER MINE PLEASE!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

talk to a lawyer

Forget it.

livin life
wHAT HARM HAS BEEN DONE? If u didn't like his answer, then you should have seeked help elsewhere...I used asthma meds and I didn't have asthma. It was to help with wheezing in cold weather or after a cold and I had a patch of pneumonia....WHat may seem like asthma may not be, but it could be something altogether different.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: do i have a case to sue for medical malpractice?