My local paper ran a story on a family living in a rich area of the city filing a federal lawsuit on behalf of their son.

He is going to a private catholic school (I attended this school's intermediate school). The tuition is around $ 10-$ 12 grand a year for HS students. This kid was only at the Public school for five years of his education and is entering the 9th grade at the private school. This private school does not have band programs, such as jazz band, or marching band like the public school does (which you have to try out for).

The family expected their son who is going to a private school they have to pay tuition to, to be allowed to attend and participate in both the jazz band and marching band while in another school district. The public school said NO. Since the "Senate Bill 624" (that allows children getting private/home-schooled educations to participate in the extracarriculars the district they live in has) did not pass, the Public school says he can't join yet. (You also have to take a for credit concert band class to be in the Public schools jazz/marching bands)

This family is now saying the Public school (which I attended and dropped out of due to bullying and nothing being done) is "imposing on this boys religious rights to attend private school". I went to both the privates schools intermediate school and the Public Schools middle/high school. What is ticking me off is they're getting federal attnetion over this. This has NOTHING to do with religion. The school districts policy is for now until this bill passes, that they MUST be in that school district to be in its band.

How is this a legit lawsuit? Its making me consider if this is legitimate to sue the school (Public one) for the mental anguish I went through at that school, all the mean while with reporting problems to the office and my parents even getting involved. I mean honestly I don't care what anyone thinks of what I have to say, but how is this legal? The school has NEVER infringed upon anyone's religious all...

this story just makes me think...Rich family doesn't wanna spend $ 12 grand a year on tuition but doesn't think the Public school's education system is good enough.

I left that Public School due to the negligence of the teachers to say "Look everyone here is here for the same purpose and education not a popularity contest" and to get anyone including myself being picked on, to get the same treatment as anyone else.

Like does this sound like a legit lawsuit (suing saying his religious rights are being taken away? HOW?) because he can't be in the band...(Makes me wonder if they're going to sue the college he gets into because he doesn't make the cut for band)

I want to think about this for a bit before I give an answer. I just didn't want to lose the question.

I will be back to edit soon - its an interesting question

Too rich and yet too twisted with too much time on their hands, any decent judge with minimal IQ should dismiss the lawsuit case and order the plaintiff to pay all costs associated with his nonsensical fantasy!

They are NOT infringing on his right to attend private school. If they are infringing on ANY right, it would be the right to enroll in extracurricular activities. I don't agree any such right exists.

rafferty: Learn to use the 'watch list'. Your NON-ANSWER is what it exists to prevent.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: Does this seem like a faulty lawsuit or is it just me?