Ok...Anna Nicole's Toxicology results...?

Posted by 70sfamily | 2:06:00 PM

Lets me get this straight...

1) Methedone...illegally prescribed...overdosed.

2) Lexipro...overdosed.

3) Zoloft...overdosed.

4) Tamiflu...antibiotic

5) Cipro...antibiotic

6) Yet, one more antibiotic...

7) One Antiviral medication...not disclosed...

8) human growth hormone...

9) Chloral hydrate...sleep medication...

10) Vitamin B12?

This has the same explanation of her son's overdose. With some extras added on.

Was it an accident, malpractice, or just a fluke?
or maybe an intentional o.d.

Nurse Kerr
My god can we just not let this girl RIP?

Although I find some shocking similarities between her death and her sons death, i think if the police find something wrong to let the police do their job.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: Ok...Anna Nicole's Toxicology results...?