Now, when Jesus told the story about the Good Samaritan, he never said anything about a lawsuit. You can't even help people no more without them trying to find a reason to screw you over. The love of Money is truly the root of all evil.
Maybe there are some scenarios where you shouldn't try to help.
But, I just need to know a few things before I make a judgmental on this: Like, was the Car really Smoking and how bad? Was there really a Leak? And were the injuries really caused by the way the victim was pulled out of the Car?
If the Car wasn't smoking that bad, and there were no fear of explosion, and that victim injuries were caused by the good Samaritan because she wasn't careful helping her. I do think it's a case. Because it's not like she's trying to send her to Prison, but a Civil lawsuit.
It's not saying she was negligence, but careless in the way she was helping. So, unless I had all the details, I can't say really.
Ms Van Horn's lawyers questioned why Ms Torti, having pulled her out by her shoulder, "dropped" her next to the car if she believed it was about to explode
Yes I saw that. California is the stupidest state I have ever seen! The courts keep coming up with ways for people to sue everyone, no matter how expensive and clogged up their system is.
The people vote to get rid of these lawsuits by overruling the courts and the legislature with constitutional propositions.
And then the courts and legislatures try and find ways around that.
They need to start thinking more conservatively over there. I mean people used to sue when they had no damage under the unfair competition law or UCL.
All you had to do was allege that you were a citizen bringing an action on behalf of a class of consumers, and you could sue someone for anything. It was legalized extortion.
Washington Mutual Bank's president wrote a letter to then-governor Pete Wilson telling him that they were going to pull out of California because of it.
So the people of the state of California put it to a referendum. Something like 2/3rds of the people voted to stomp out, and I mean completely obliterate stupid lawsuits like that under the UCL.
And they're still fighting over whether or not the law took effect in 2004! I mean really!
Give it up already. They need to eliminate these idiotic lawsuits. They need to tighten up class action rules, and start making it extremely expensive to file lawsuits, significantly diminishing this insanity.
You know why that state's got so much unemployment? Well? I know.
Too many stupid lawsuits, too much regulation of business, too much interloping, too much money for insurance because of the lawsuits and regulations; and a then you have this stupidity. Business just ups and leaves. And so do residents.
George A
If you are referring to the accident that occurred in Nov 2004 that has been in the news recently, they were also friends at that time. Nice way to treat your friends, depending on how you look at it- paralyzing your friend or suing your friend for trying to pull you from a wreck.
I can't find any links giving details of the original incident, so I can't say if the woman being sued went outside the parameters of the Good Samaritan laws in her actions or not. None of the current news reports give any kind of details of the severity of the accident other than she hit a lamp post at 45 MPH.
400 years of Opression is over
cali is stupid
Orignal From: Has anyone heard about the good Samaritan who now faces a lawsuit?
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