My understanding is that guys will "get girls drunk" in order to have sex with them and, according to feminist theory, this is rape. Since it is common knowledge that drunk people often knock boots (while regretting it the next day) and a woman therefore knows that the likelihood that she will knock boots is greatly increased after consuming significant amounts of alcohol and she nonetheless willingly consumes alcohol offered to her knowing that this will likely lead to the knocking of boots, is not the consumption of alcohol a tacit recognition of the likelihood of knocking boots? And, since this is the case, does she not therefore assume the liability through the "reasonable person standard"* of law governing cases of negligence (which asserts that since she is reasonably aware of the likelihood of knocking boots that she assumes responsibility should boots be knocked)? And is a woman who engages in sex that is consented to in her drunken state therefore never rape?

*The reasonable person standard in cases of negligence states that a person is not guilty of negligence if another person is harmed on his property if that other person's actions would have reasonably led to the injury. For example, if someone breaks his leg skiing, he could not obtain damages because that is an expected risk when skiing.
Rio: Come on. Anybody who has had a sip of booze knows a strong drink when they taste one. And anybody who drinks with any degree of moderation can recognize when they're getting too drunk and when to stop.

Daddys Gurl
You have confussed me. But the way the get a girl drunk is offer drinks. spike soft frinks. Like that

Rio Madeira
He can spike her drink with extra alcohol. It's been known to happen. My theory is, if someone is too drunk to say no, they're also too drunk to say yes.

"Consent' precludes rape, drunk or not. Having regrets is not the same as not giving consent.

He can't. I had two brothers try and get me drunk on Tequilas years ago and when I figured I had enough I let them no and I was firm about it.

women should have the option to file a rape case if they think they were drunk and wake up in a pile of their own vomit with an ugly guy.

are you trying to imply that women should take more responsibility when drinking and engaging in casual sex? why? cant women have fun too?

Voice of Reality
You'd have you use magic.

You can smell alcohol in a drink easily. And taste it even easier. There's no trick, she knows what she's doing.

taz r
Just because the girl is drunk doesn't automatically mean she'll consent. But if she does consent, then no, it's not rape.

As for getting her drunk against her will, this is what most fraternities make hunch punch for. It tastes like it has very little if any alcohol but still gets you buzzed.

Hawaiian Punch Lemonade flavor does an incredibly good job covering the taste of alcohol, I use it for a mixer from time to time.

But the ethical thing to do is let the girl know that there is "some" alcohol in the drink and be sure to be drinking yourself. Levels the playing field. If a girl thinks she hasn't been drinking and wakes up hung over the next day with you laying next to her she's going to assume you roofied her drink and raped her.

Elf #3
Don't pretend that you aren't "expecting" something in exchange for purchasing those drinks.

THAT's the real problem. You buy her a drink and suddenly you think she owes you something more than polite conversation in return. The more drinks you pay for, the more you expect to get back in sexual favors.
The flaw in reasoning here is that most women do not wish to use sex as currency, no matter how much the men may want them to.

Then there are the cases where rohypnol or another drug is used to secretly spike the drink in order to incapacitate the victim. I believe the law would find that that shows intent to assault.

Some of these people are saying how the taste of alcohol can be masked. Well, to some extent it can. BUT unless the woman is guzzling or doing shots (then she probably has a drinking problem), she will start to feel the effects of the alcohol and can just stop drinking any drinks.

Really, how many people can actually say how the never, ever knew that they weren't drunk? I've had a rough morning a time or two but I knew I probably had 2 more drinks than I should have. But I never said "Wow, one minute I was totally sober, then 10 minutes later I was stumbling and throwing up."

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Orignal From: How can a guy "get a girl drunk" against her will?