I lost my mom when I was 8 years old. Now that I am 30 and look back on things, I strongly believe there was a form of medical malpractice in her case. She was in and out of a hospital here locally, that back then, was known for being a bad place to go. She was only 28 years old when she passed. My family unfortunatly..are a bunch of uneducated people who probably where unaware or signs of malpractice. Now I have just graduated from nursing school, and now things I am just remembering, I strongly feel that there is a malpractice here. But I feel that it is really too late to do anything about it. It has been over 22 years, but at the same time, I have gone 22 years without my mom. I have expereinced a lifetime of needs where my mom should have been there, and I feel she was taken from me. Is there anything that I can do?
The statute of limitations for medical malpractice in NC is 3 years. I'm sorry for your loss - I know the pain doesn't go away even though the right to sue does.
Orignal From: What is the Statue of Limitations for Medical Malpractice in NC?
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