Last year I slipped and fell at walmart very badly due to water on the floor. I could not even get up off the floor. The ambulence had to come and get me up off the floor and take me to the hospital. Anyway, i contacted a lawyer because walmart would not call me back when they called me and was starting a case. But i kept calling them back, and they wouldnt call me back. They finally did and they commited fault and it was for only 300$ . I was like hell no! All this pain? and all i get is that? Well I had a MRI from the dr that ordered it from my lawyer. I am seeing a chyropractioner, and im going to physical therapy. The MRI read, ( im just posting this, to see if any of you know what is wrong, and if its that bad, and how much you think i can get.)

1. There are central disc herniations at the L4-5 and L5-S1 levels.
2.Broad disc bulges are at L3-4 and superimposed at L4-5 and L5-S1
3.Mild spinal stenosis occurs at L4-5 and L5-S1
4.Bilaterial foraminal narrowing is at L3-4 to L5-S1. Clinical correlation recommeneded for corresponding radiculopathies.
5.Diffuse straightening of the expected lumbar lordosis suggests muscololigamentous injury or sprain.

The chyropractor is also sending to me to a back surgeon.

So what do you all think is wrong, and how much do you think i can get???

Dont say it depends, give me a guess! lol thank you all and God Bless

you are extremely selfish. i got involved in a car accident and didn't ask for more than i needed.

Most of the problems listed here are part of the aging process or another underlying pre-existing condition and are dufficult to tie to a specific injury (specifically the broad disc bulges, spinal stenosis, and foraemenal narrowing). There is a possiblity the herniations could be the result of the accident, but this would need to be correlated with your exam. The biggest thing to suggest what could have come from a slip and fall is the straightening of the lordosis which is consistent with a "muscle pull." If your exam does not correlate with the herniations, I'd expect your settlement to be less than a few thousand dollars. But best to contact an attorney.

Chris L
First off it's spelled chiropractor. Next, why didn't anyone explain your MRI to you? Third, a neurosurgery consult isn't out of the question. Now on to the findings, most of which are likely due to aging. It's slightly possible the herniations were caused by the fall, but with the stenosis and foraminal narrowing it may be difficult to show a direct correlation because you don't have an MRI taken previous to your fall. Your lawyer should advise you what a good settlement would be, but trust me this isn't a case you will get rich from. I think you should focus on getting a resolution to your pain, and changing your attitude that you are entitled to some vast sum of money because you slipped and fell. I do believe you may be have a case worth more than 300 though, but talk to your lawyer that's what he/she is there for. A reasonable settlement would be one that pays your medical bills, lost wages, and attorney's fees with perhaps 500-1000 for pain and suffering... that's my guess

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Orignal From: How much do you THINK I am going to get from my lawyer?