I recently had routine surgery. A mistake by the surgeon turned routine into life-threatening, short-term into long-term recovery, and cost additional thousands of dollars ( I'm uninsured ) How can I warn others about this man without causing more problems for myself?

Talk about your experiences...you can also say what you think happened, but make sure that you say that it is your belief and not fact.

Natasha B
Tell the absolute truth. So long as you can prove it, you can tell it.

Make a malpractice claim.

Stick with solid facts and back it up with documentation....lots of it. It can't be construed as defamation if it's the truth.

Tell the truth and be able to back it up. Truth is the ultimate defense against libel.

If you offer up any opinions, make sure you state them as your OPINION rather than FACT.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: what constitutes defamation when writing a review of a medical procedure gone bad?