i went to my dr because my face and neck was swollen as big as almost a grapefruit. he gave me some amoxicillin and sent me home. the next morning it was a lot bigger and i had to be rushed to the hospital by ambulance. i had to be intubated for three days because the swolleness was jeapardizing by air way. is this a malpractice case?

Pinkly Smooth
Anything can "be" a malpractice case but given the details I wouldn't say the first doctor caused the inflammation, It is a general doctor's job to find a quick diagnosis and give you the corresponding medicine, which in this case is amoxicillin, most cases are resolved quickly this way and that is how medicine is taught.

as for it getting "a lot bigger" it sounds like you may be allergic to amoxicillin, if so then that is something you are responsible for letting your doctor know, and if you don't know nobody could know. Other than that it sounds like the illness just progressed rather than an allergic reaction, although reactions typically become noticeable after several hours.

I wouldn't bother spending money to sue for malpractice, you would most likely lose this case.

no its not

it would depend on what caused the swelling initially. Amoxcillin is not a treatment for an allergic reaction but is an antibiotic. You may have a case if the first Doctor did not give you appropriate treatment and did not meet the minimum standard of patient care.

Consult a lawyer about a lawsuit and/or consult your Insurance company.

you won't win

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Orignal From: i went to my doctor and ended up being intubated?