I think this is a clearcut case of criminal neglect, and if/when the child dies, manslaughter. Religious delusions should NOT be a pretext for denying an innocent child medical care.
I would like to see the parents go to jail, at the very least, but incredibly, in several recent cases, they haven't even been ARRESTED! This is one of the many, many ways in which religion---in addition to being delusional stupidity---does ACTIVE HARM.
nothing. nothing at all. its their decision, its their greif basically...putting them in jail wont solve anything.
I agree. We have the freedom to worship how we choose but that freedom ends when someone is harmed or the practice is blatantly illegal (such as polygamy). The parents should be charged with anything from child endangerment to manslaughter. They certainly shouldn't get charged with murder but there should be some sort of charge as their refusing to get the child medical attention caused the child to die.
Children should not take the punishment for their parents choice of religion.. and if that child needs medical attention they should get it.. I think that should be considered manslaughter. We are living in modern times with more medicines that help us with illnesses. And that child should receive whatever medication he/she needs.
contact the police for child abuse
Orignal From: A religious nutcase couple denies their child medical attention..and the child dies. What should be done?
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