I'm working on a book right now and playing around with some ideas, I have most of it how I want it to be, so far, but part of it is this girl and guy are in love, and she has to go to the hospital and won't be back for a while because it's faaaaaaaaar away (working out the details), anyway, they think there's something wrong with her, (anything, preferably a psychological problem?) And she has to get some tests, they come back false and she's home a few days later, I need some ideas for her medical problem and what they mistook it as. Please, something REALLY practical, that actually happens.
You can say she went on a brain scan and the machine read that she has a brain tumor. In actual fact its the machine that is faulty.
Briony Batty
she ends up with chest pain so severe that she feels like shé having a heart attack. there is a family history of congenital heart failure in her family and her mothers sister died at 26 because of it. she is rushed to hospital and has extensive cardiac testing including extensive cardiac monitoring, only to find that it was a simple anxiety attack which often has the same syptoms as a heart attack!! i reakon that sounds ok... and... it can actually happen... and it's original.
She has persistent pain in both shoulders. The cardiologist thinks she has angina, the pulmonologist thinks she has emboli, the gastroenterologist thinks she has gall bladder disease, the rheumatologist finds HLA B 29 positive blood test and diagnoses her with ankylosing spondylitis. A third year medical student is assigned her case and finds that she keeps putting on her designer clothes without removing the coat hangers.
This is as practical as I can get.
Orignal From: Idea for a medical mistake?
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