Was referred to a pulmonologist to see wether I needed to continue to get CAT scans for some enlarged lymph nodes that showed up in my lungs.
After speaking to me for a few minutes, was told I did not need to continue, that there was no problem. This was the first and only time I saw this doctor, as her patient.
When I followed up to get the medical records to reflect that, to give to my GP, saw the doctor had included a diagnosis that was incorrect in the extreme and could affect my future health care and, insurance in very negative ways.. I have a medical degree, but not a doctorate in medicine.
I realize HIPPA indicates a patient may ask for a correction, but that this does not have to be done. I understand that HIPPA suggests a patient may add an addendum to the record, but that this does not have to be included in it's entirety or even at all.
What would be my best course of action to get the doctor to remove this diagnosis?
I suspect she had a previous meeting with me independent of being my doctor, where I questioned her treatment of another patient that raised her ire, and where the attending physician rebuked her in front of others....but I can not prove this. (I did not know it was this doctor when I was referred to her.)
Her personality seemed rather pugnacious, and with a need to control, and perhaps a pervasive negative component to it.
Because of this, I am concerned that this was not just a "mistake" on her part, but an aberrant part of her personality. Which makes me fearful of having anything further to do with her; and giving her any further contact with me, that can allow her to say she has had more than a few minutes to make her snap diagnosis in.
I am wondering if it would be of any help to speak to the referring physician about this, to see if he can get her to remove this?
Or perhaps should I go directly to the hospital, and if so, to whom, or which department?
This is of so much import, that I will get a lawyer if I must...but hope there may be a suggestion of how to avoid this.
If I sue, I believe I have basis for liable, and malpractice. The diagnosis alone carries a presumptive element of damages. Are doctors immune from these remedies?
Finally, can anyone suggest the best lawyer to handle this for me in SC...or further afield it they are able to handle a case in SC? If no one can suggest a lawyer, can anyone tell me how to find a lawyer that will have 1.) experience in this type of lawsuit 2.) prestige enough to make the doctor, and hospital sit up and take my situation VERY seriously.
Thank you in advance, for any help or suggestions you can offer.
You need a 2nd opinion ...and possibly a 3rd. Make an appointment with another doctor and explain to them your concerns.
Get a second and third opinion, go to this doctor and ask them to correct it. Be especially kind, offering to waive the right to sue over the misdiagnosis(also shows them you know you can sue) and if she doesn't, sue.
Orignal From: What should you do if a doctor you have seen once, has put a diagnosis in your chart that is incorrect?
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