Man Sues Video Game Company

Posted by 70sfamily | 1:49:00 AM

Red Eye LINK: From Hot Air: Craig Smallwood, the plaintiff, claims NCsoft of South Korea should pay unspecified monetary damages because of the addictive nature of the game. Smallwood claims to have played Lineage II for 20000 hours between 2004 and 2009. Among other things, he alleges he would not have begun playing if he was aware "that he would become addicted to the game." He is "unable to function independently in usual daily activities such as getting up, getting dressed, bathing or communicating with family and friends." Link:

Motion to introduce fresh evidence at the Appeal hearing 1.The Plaintiff asks to introduce fresh evidence at the hearing of appeal on the 15th of December, 2009. She has come into possession of it in 2009 year and could not file it with the Superior Court of Justice in 2008. 2.Exhibits B,C,D - Expert reports and Addendum from Doctor Hildegarde Staninger, Ph.D., licensed toxicologist and doctor of Integrative medicine. These medical reports substantiate the Psychotronic (Mind Control) ill effects on Plaintiff. They prove that the Plaintiff is a victim of specific electromagnetic and radio frequency fields that react with poisonous nano materials in her body that are being created in universities and being utilized for monitoring, communications and sensory applications. The Addendum proves that the Plaintiff has toxic advanced nano materials in her system that are used as RDIF meu chips to send signals to the body. Dr. Staninger is an outstanding toxicologist and a medical doctor in the USA; she owns her own company and is a consultant in tens of other companies in the USA. I was referred to Dr. Staninger in 2009 year; I did not know her in 2008. I did not know anything about these toxicological tests in 2008. Tens of toxicologists, to whom I was referred in Canada, refused to see me. 3.Exhibits E, F, G - Letters with expert opinion from Doctor Cynthia Spanier, Ph.D., licensed psychologist. They prove that the Plaintiff is a victim of Psychotronic (Directed Energy) attacks ...
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