After her initial sub-muscular breast enhancement surgery, my g/f complained of severe pain in her left arm. The pain increased throughout the day and was to the point that night where the max dose of pain medication was not even touching the pain. Her left breast was swollen more than 2xs the size of her right one. I called her doctor at 9:30 PM that night and he agreed to come look at her. After seeing her, he said he didn't know why her arm was hurting and that he didn't think anything was wrong, and that he would be back at 8 AM to check on her. At 5:30 AM, she passed out and became unresponsive. We calle 911 and the ambulance took her to the ER. It was determined that she had a Hematoma in her left breast, and emergency surgery was performed by her surgeon to correct the problem. Does she have a case of negligence, since the doctor said nothing was wrong when clearly she was in excrutiating pain and had such severe swelling? Shouldn't he have suspected hematoma?

John W
Hematoma is a generalized term for a collection of blood. The Doctor saw no fault in the breast augmentation itself so I guess he was reluctant to give any other diagnosis so as not to condemn his work. If you Sue him what will you be actually suing him for? Is there a Doctor willing to stand up in court and testify against him and do you have the money to pay costs if you lose?

Wendy H
Doctors dont like to testify against each other (old boys club and all that)

I would advise that you see the help of a medical attorney who is able to get expert opinions from her medical notes.

See if there re any no win no fee ones but be warned that you will not get as much compensation for this as there fees are higher due to the risk they take.

If they wont touch the case leave it.

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Orignal From: My girlfriend recently had complications from breast augmentation surgery. Does she have go a malpractice cas