I understand him wanting to install a shark tank under his meeting room or wanting to introduce his son to pipe smoking, but i just see this as bullying or negligence.

Purdey EP
I think you should. What's Up with that?

May I respectfully suggest a reality check.

Sir B Bobblebottom-Lobe V
So long as the officer who attends his manor is vetted for a sense of humour first young man. Can't have any old fool wandering the grounds you know. Consequences could result in continued use of the peasant spinning machine he holds in the dungeon. Or so I've heard.

no no of course not chap. I have said man in custody would you be so pleasant as to return him so as sir b will not need to make the trip?

I dont think you should, its all a little harmless fun I feel. What a journey his groundskeeper will experience as his last, I dont think you should take that away from him. As for the shark tank, what self respecting man wouldnt want one under his office?

No I think if he had, say, stuffed him feet first into and cannon and fired him into a wall of posion ivy, then I would say he had gone too far.

someone lacks a sense of humor.

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Orignal From: Should i inform law enforcement about a gentleman who tied 40 helium balloons to his 86 year old groundskeeper?