If you have a Workers Comp. Lawyer sueing for Workers comp for you...can you get a personal injury lawyer as well ?
My lawyer is sueing ( and winning ) for WC but I now have to have surgery to repair the damages caused by a on the job injury and I am getting NO compensation for having to be cut on ( spinal compression )
My lawyer advised me not to get a personal injury lawyer but what about my pain and suffering ??? All I get is 2/3 of my wages and medical expenses pain ??? How is this fair ?? So my employer walks away but if I was a customer and slipped and fell, then that would be different ??? How is this fair ???
I am going thru the same thing myself, and no, it is not fair. Best of luck to you.
No Problem!
Try the sites below. Hope they help you.
Marques de Valdegamas
If I am understanding you correctly, you were injured in the course and scope of your employment. If that is the case, you are entitled to workers compensation benefits and ONLY workers compensation benefits. Unless your injury was caused by an outside third party you are restricted to receiving work comp benefits. You cannot sue for personal injury.
Your lawyer can and should be able to explain all this to you.
Orignal From: Workers Comp in California?
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