In February 2009 I realized I had warts on the bottom of my foot. I went to my family doctor who referred me to a foot specialist locally. After going to her for months. (I started in March 2009 until July 2009.) It was only getting worse. She told me I'd have to have them removed threw surgery with lasers. She assured me it would be a one day thing and it would clear them up completely.

She also told me I would be out of work for one day because it was "a new procedure". I was delighted because what I read online said I should be out of work for about a month. (Yes I did research it but she continued to say it was something different than the things other people do.)

My first surgery date was set up and I was suppose to get a call about pre-admission testing. I called her office the day before the surgery and asked why I never received a call. She told me that she messed up my phone number in the system and would have to re-schedule my surgery. It was re-scheduled for two weeks later. I went in for my surgery and everything seemed fine. I was on pain medication so walking out of the hospital was no problem. (She refused to give me crutches when my mother requested them - saying that I didn't need them.)

I called my work each day and told them "I know I'm suppose to return but I'm in a great deal of pain and I don't think I can make it in today." which, thankfully, my work was very accepting of and let me take off. At my week check up she told me that I would be getting a letter in the mail for the billing of the surgery because they forgot to check it threw my insurance before the surgery. She explained that the day after the surgery they remembered and put it in as an "emergency surgery" and my insurance would cover it so I should just ignore the bill. (My insurance did end up covering it.) She also asked how long I wanted off work. When I asked her why I wasn't returning like I should she blew off the question without answering.

In December I saw another doctor for a "second opinion". He told me I had hemorrhaged my foot because I shouldn't have applied pressure to my foot for at least a week. He told me everything else looked fine though.

I've still be having pain if I stand on my foot for over 10 minutes and the one spot is "cauliflower" up. I went to see him on Tuesday and he told me "You need surgery as soon as possible." because the part that is "cauliflower-ed" up is a bunch of warts that she didn't actually remove fully. Also, after all of this going on, my toe is now slightly bent to the side. My new doctor said it is because when she did the surgery she messed up the tended in my toe.

I was wondering if there is anything I can do about this. I ended up needing 2 and a half months off work (after the hemorrhage I needed more time off) and I almost lost my job.

Sorry this is so long. I just wanted to give you all the details. :) Thanks for your help.

Your best bet is to consult a lawyer who specializes in medical malpractice.
If you want to get rid of your wart problem for good find a homeopathic doctor. See Homeopathy can deal with the warts and also the damage done by the surgery.

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Orignal From: This is long... But... Could this be a lawsuit for medical malpractice? If not then what can I do?