The IUD is not in my uterus. I can feel a pinching on my left side (I wonder why? lol)... Shortly after getting the IUD, I thought I was getting a UTI. I wasn't aware that the IUD could have, or did, puncture my uterus. It is clear to me that the midwife did this during insertion, just for the simple fact of how the Mirena is positioned. I doubt it would have punctured my uterus after the insertion because how would it do that sideways? and it being T shaped, the entire thing wouldn't have been outside my uterus. What I think she did was poke a hole THROUGH my uterus and placed it in my abdomen. I have a few questions.... as follows...
1. What organ could this be poking? I have sharp pains, and because of the feeling I had of a UTI, could it be my bladder or something having to do with my urinary track?
2. I do not notice a string on the IUD, does it not show up on X-RAY?
3. Should I have a problem sending my medical bills to the doctors since this was their mistake? Should I make the Midwife who put it in pay for medical bills?
4. I have spoken to lawyers already, and I was told that I can't file malpractice, unless it causes permanent damage.
5. If the IUD is in fact poking an organ, or urinary track system in some way... should I expect lasting problems? I hope not.
6. How often does this occur?
Thank you
<3 RN <3
1. What organ could this be poking? I have sharp pains, and because of the feeling I had of a UTI, could it be my bladder or something having to do with my urinary track?
Looks like just in the uterus and possibly a fallopian tube
2. I do not notice a string on the IUD, does it not show up on X-RAY?
It is way to thin to show up on the x-ray
3. Should I have a problem sending my medical bills to the doctors since this was their mistake? Should I make the Midwife who put it in pay for medical bills?
No you sign a waiver before insertion. Had it perforated at the time of insertion the midwife WOULD have noticed and sent you to the hospital for removal. Have you had a child before? If not that is most likely while it perforated. Have you recently given birth? another reason why it would have perforated. OR just your uterus began contracting after insertion changing the position of the IUD
4. I have spoken to lawyers already, and I was told that I can't file malpractice, unless it causes permanent damage.
Good luck because the DR always make you sign a waiver before insertion stating this is one of the comon complications. If you signed it and or it is written in your chart that this was explained prior to insertion then you have to prove it was inserted in that direction which is impossible with the tools used.
5. If the IUD is in fact poking an organ, or urinary track system in some way... should I expect lasting problems? I hope not.
The most common is infertility
6. How often does this occur?
Pretty common that is why the IUD websites list it as a complication and why DR's make you sign a waiver
Orignal From: Tips: Mirena IUD, can any or all of these questions be answered by you?
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