So much of what Obama says is to make it affordable, to fix the "skyrocketing" premiums, etc.
Ive never once heard him say how these problems are here in the first place. Why is there not enough supply? There is absolutely no shortage of people wanting to be doctors. Why not just accept more students in doctor and nursing schools? (And no, quality of care would decrease enough to make you wish it were back the way it was)
Is something else going on? I read that it is definitely not the malpractice insurance.
1 word...Lobbyist.
Obama needs to kick big pharma and the insurance groups out of DC, and allow the free market to do its job.
Lobbyist who pay your congressman/woman hundreds of thousands of dollars to vote certain ways on legislation that will benefit their company is a recipe for what we have here today...a disaster
Following constitutional law will fix every problem our nation faces right now. Health Care, illegal immigration, sound money, war(s), personal freedoms and liberties etc...
watch sicko yet?
it will tell you why.
Health care and insurance are so expensive because it is a for-profit industry.
Health care is also a necessity and therefore many will just continue to pay the ever-raising rates because they need to make sure that they're covered in case their health ever fails.
Obama's plan would remove the 'for-profit' part and premiums would not need to keep going up to keep shareholders happy. Premiums would only need to go up if the doctors and nurses wanted a raise.
The Patriot
Because insurance companies play the system to keep prices high.
Orignal From: Why exactly is healthcare and insurance more expensive than what (we think) they should be?
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