I went to Planned Parenthood for an STD treament. I caught HPV from a sexual assault. The nurse used acid on my genitals and severely disfigured them.

I am having corrective surgery soon that is costing $ 5000. However, the surgeon only promised a 50% improvement. It has caused great depression and low self-esteem because of my disfigurement.

I talked to one attorney and he said he only takes cases that have hundreds of thousands of dollars at stake.

As far as I know, my injury is only cosmetic. However, I haven't had intercourse and I am thinking the sagging skin may cause pain during intercourse.

Could I find an attorney that takes cases that don't have so much money in them??

Natasha B
Yes...just keep calling different ones
eventually you will find one willing to take your case...at the same time, you probably signed something there freeing them from liability...

My guess is if you were not given proper information as to what effects this treatment could have on you, then yes you could and should sue.

If you did not give informed consent (the key word here being "informed") then I think you should, at the very least to recoup any cost for cosmetic surgery you may want. And find a lawyer who's not a money grubbing douche-bag

Where did you find a planned parenthood that uses acid as any form of treatment? a third world nation? even a nonmedical student would know this is not a form of treatment. Plus you would not know you were infected for possibly years for HPV unless you happened to develop a wart of some kind. Your story sounds at least a bit unbelievable.

You should be able to sue, especially for the cost, pain and suffering. Usually when warts are found, they freeze them off but there are a ton of different things they use.

Contact your state's bar association, you may be able to get Pro Bono and have a lawyer represent you for free.

*Ignorance is your worst enemy*
YOu should really look into a good support teamand ask what they did in your case




Bright Possibilities


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Orignal From: Can I Bring a Lawsuit/ My Genitals are Disfigured from a Medical Treatment?