Tips: dental malpractice cases?

Posted by 70sfamily | 7:55:00 AM

I had a wisdom tooth removed about a week ago and it feels like the dentist stitched my gum to inside of my cheek. I have a return dental visit in a week. My face is still swollen and it is painful. What should I do? Should I return to the dentist and/or should I consult with an attorney?

Wow. Quick to make a dishonest buck, huh?
Why not call the doctor's office back and tell them what's going on? I think it'd be a logical first step.
Unless, of course, you know an attorney who is also a dentist and will give you a consult on your stitches and legal advice for one low fee!! Then you may have something!
Put your big girl panties on and give the dentist's office a call.

You are being too quick to judge. Go back to the dentist and see what is happening.

sounds like you had minor oral will be swollen and sore for about a week......rinse with salty water for a few days that will help with healing,infection and inflammation if no better go back...hope your ok......

Behhar B
If you are worried that something isn't right with it, then call them now and ask for an appointment sooner instead of waiting another 7 days. Next time you have any kind of dental or medical procedure be sure to ask them during the exam or first visit, exactly what side effects, healing processes and other things to expect after the surgery or procedure. Write it down at the time so you can refer back to it later. If you can't get an appointment at this dentist, then you may want to try booking in somewhere else like an emergency dental clinic, if it's covered by your insurance.

You should return to your dentist and see if the stitches can be removed. Sometimes when an extraction of a tooth is done the dentist places stiches and they pull on the inside of the cheek. The swelling happens to some people and that is normal, it takes some people longer to heal from this procedure. The pain can be taken care of with pain medication prescribed from your dentist. Call them and tell them your situation and they should ask you to come see the dentist. I don't think you have to worry about attorneys at this time.

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