This digital document is an article from Medical Law's Regan Report, published by Medical Law Publishing on September 1, 2008. The length of the article is 583 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Citation Details
Title: OH: hospital liable for negligence of ER Dr.: 'independent contractor' defense not applicable.(Medical Law Cases of Note)
Author: A. David Tammelleo
Publication: Medical Law's Regan Report (Magazine/Journal)
Date: September 1, 2008
Publisher: Medical Law Publishing
Volume: 41 Issue: 9 Page: 3(1)

Distributed by Gale, a part of Cengage Learning

List Price: $ 9.95

Price: $ 9.95

OH: hospital liable for negligence of ER Dr.: 'independent contractor' defense not applicable.(Medical Law Cases of Note): An article from: Medical Law's Regan Report

A true story of a family surviving traumatic brain injury and a glimpse into the dark side of U.S. Healthcare

By Ava Stewart

Ava and her Mother began a wintry Tahoe Christmas with skis and smiles, but would end their foray with a life-flight to the traumatic care ward of a Reno hospital. As Ava stood over her bashed and bloodied mother, her fanciful dreams of "the best Christmas" ever were instantly traded for the realization of the life-and-death struggle that lay ahead. She couldn't conceive the treachery and torment that would befall her family under the care of the state-of-the-art medical facility in which they found themselves. The following months would be rife with botched surgeries, thwarted transfer attempts, forged medical records, and insurance fraud -just to scratch the surface. This book is an account of a brave young woman's baptism into the dark, shady world that has come to encompass America's broken medical system.

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Brain Damage

Orignal From: OH: hospital liable for negligence of ER Dr.: 'independent contractor' defense not applicable.(Medical Law Cases of Note): An article from: Medical Law's Regan Report