I plan to sue the hospital that told me they had no idea what was wrong with me when I went into labor three months early with my son. I need to find a lawyer who really understand cases like this.

No. You would have to use a lawyer licensed to practice where the incident took place.

sam k
Not licensed where the incident took place but licensed to practice law before the Court that you will sue.

Even if it was possible, it would be inadvisable. There are a lot of attorneys in Belgium that would be able to work for an American and there are even American attorneys working here. I have included a link to one in my source material.

Be advised, malpractice suits don't work the same in Europe as they do in America. You're not going to get multi-million dollar settlements for piddly things so I trust your reasons are sound and with a lot of proof that the doctor was careless.

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Orignal From: Can I get a lawyer from the states to represent me in Belgium for a malpractice suit?