Lastest Medical Injury News

Posted by 70sfamily | 7:44:00 AM

Knee injury forces Wales centre Tom Shanklin to announce retirement
Wales centre Tom Shanklin has announced his retirement from rugby due to a knee injury. The 31-year-old Cardiff Blues player underwent surgery earlier this year.
Read more on Daily Mail

Stearns Defends Provision on 9-11 Health Care Bill - Obama Seeks Stronger Hand for Medicare Panel
A bill to provide medical care and insurance to first responders at Ground Zero in New York experienced one of the most labyrinthine paths to becoming law as any piece of legislation in recent years.
Read more on Fox News

Will Carroll: Under The Knife: Nats growing concerned about Zimmerman's return
The reason this column exists, both for baseball and football, is the lack of transparency sports teams have regarding medical information and situations. I realize that part of this is a privacy thing; I wouldn't want my medical records out there to be analyzed by the public. Still, there's a "news value" to this and an information advantage for fantasy players. (Let's also not completely ...
Read more on Sports Illustrated

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