Tips: Possible medical lawsuit?

Posted by 70sfamily | 1:56:00 PM

Was looking for a little legal advice. My daughter was born a little over a month ago and ended up getting ecoli meningitis almost immediately after birth. Both my wife and I were never sick and all tests including the strep test were negative. The labor was 33 hours long and delivery was 3 hours with with water being broke for over 10 hour and baby facing the wrong way. They showed no concern. She had some complications and had alot of needle sticks and tests done after birth. My thought is if they would have shown concern and made better decisions we would not be in this position with her getting this illness at the hospital. Because we know that's where it came from. What's done is done but I don't want this to happen to another because of carelessness. So does anyone see a potential lawsuit or not. Thanks

Sadly, simply receiving medical care does not entitle the patient to be protected from all the perils of life. I don't know what you mean by "they showed no concern." Did you want "them" to write you a guarantee? I hope your daughter recovers quickly.

Mike G
Anyone can sue Anyone, for Anything.

Whether you win or not... well, thats up to a Judge, and/or Jury.

There are a lot of ways your baby could have contracted Meningitis. Some of which are the hospitals' fault, some are yours. Some could be from the "sterile" equipment - if it was improperly sterilized from the manufacturer.

Long story short - There are a lot of possible complications to childbirth. Any lawyer could argue his way out of this paperbag, though it may result in a good amount of negative publicity for the hospital. What it really sounds like though, is that you are upset that the staff didn't show a level of concern to which you felt was commensurate with the situation.

If this is the case - Well you cant win that argument in court. Also, bear in mind that they see these things all day, every day. Nurses, doctors, and tech's are all trained to keep a professional separation from their patients to avoid attachment. This keeps them from making bad decisions, but also has the negative effect of making them more callous to your personal needs.

Sorry, but thats the way it is.

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