ok i fell down a flight of stairs today and got bruised up pretty badly hurt my leg thought it was broke. well i got a couple of pretty bad cuts as well and the only thing they did when i finally got took back to a room was look at my leg the didnt bandage my cuts up clean my cuts nothing they gave me an xray and crutches and told me i would be ok and some ibuprofen and sent me out of there! my mom raised hell and we had three other people in there tell us that we should find a way to sue them! do you guys think i might have a case
Smiling JW
Sue them for some minor cuts and grazes? I doubt that they not putting a band aid on your knee is classed as medical negligence on their part. If you had an open gash wound then yes but you will be okay, the body can handle easily minor injuries to the skin unaided. They gave you an x-ray so they checked that you were alright and gave you a walking aid and some pain killers for the meantime.
The danger was internal injury and the medical staff concluded that you are in no danger with the x-ray. A quick shower when you get home will do just as good to clean your wounds. I mean you are a adult and should be able to take some charge for yourself.
I wouldn't try and sue it would cost you a lot of money and a judge if it got that far would likely throw it out of court.
I'm sure you over exaggerated that and doctors love to cover their a$ $ s so i doubt you really have a case
Jakki S
You can find a lawyer that will sue for just about anything and you have the cash to pay them ... doesn't mean that you will win ...
I don't think you have anything. If you didn't ask for the "proper care", you weren't denied anything. They didn't throw you down the stairs, they don't owe you anything. Give Bill Handle a call! He'll give you a good answer!
Sure you can sue! You're just going to lose and be very embarrassed afterward. They did all that was needed - bandage up a few grazes. Unless you were doubled over in agony when you got there, and couldn't move without the aid of morphine and a wheelchair, they weren't negligent.
Master of Puppets
if you were gushing blood and it was getting all over the place, then u should get a band aid. but u wanna sue because ur little owies didnt get bandaged? thats honestly despicable. no u wouldnt have a case for just a couple a cuts and bruises. assholes like u and the people who advised u to sue them are a disgrace and are killing medicine with ur extortionist lawsuits. if u get a knife left inside of u after surgery, yes thats a good reason. if a doctor lethally overmedicates a patient, thats a good reason. if u didnt get ur bandaid and lollipop after falling down the stairs, get over it.
and what more did you want them to do? their cuts, i just cut my finger at work and washed it out and it's fine. unless you have severe cuts, or you point out you'd like them cleaned out, then their not doing anything wrong. people like you make me sick. wanting to sue over every little thing. go ahead and try to sue, any lawyer is going to want some big bucks to even take on you're pathetic little case, and the judge will laugh you right out of the courtroom
???sue someone else for your lack of grace? No,
Orignal From: can you sue a hospital for negligence?
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