For a couple of years, I kept saying to my doc that I didn't feel well, that something wasn't right. Every symptom that I had (even if it was obvious I had an infection) she would just say "you're depressed. just lose weight) mind you I'm not obese.
Finally after headaches, issues with vision, hormone/cycle issues, I got a second opinion. FIRST VISIT -- she suspected a pituitary tumor and/or polycystic ovarian syndrome. Bingo - tumor on MRI, PCOS by blood work and ultrasound. Started having some "spells" early on but this year I finally had a full blown seizure -- eeg confirmed epilepsy. Which I have a family history of seizures.
First doctor never thought to look for anything. Just blamed it on depression.
Should I sue her?
you could have gone to a differetn doctor earlier? Doctors arent phsycic, if you feel they are wrong, change docs.
go to
it's a free legal bulletin board. They might be better qualified to asnwer such a question
It is very hard to sue for malpractice unless you have loads of proof. You would need a lawyer to get your records from this doctor documenting all the times you came to see her and if she put down what your current complaints were at each visit. Did you ever mention to her that you had a family history of seizures? Was this put in writing at your preliminary visit so it would be in your chart? Be prepared for a costly battle.
Just write this doctor off and be glad you finally have a good doctor who is taking care of you. You should have left the first one a lot sooner. Good luck.
Bobbie Jo E
Definately yes! Try to get her license to practice medicine revoked as well. She really doesn't need to be treating anyone from what I can see. Best of Luck! God Bless.
Orignal From: Possible malpractice by primary physician?
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