Should I fire my Bad Attorney? (HELP)?

Posted by 70sfamily | 10:55:00 AM

I have two cases. I was rear ended and suffered some bad injuries last year in november. Then I slipped and fell in a nail salon earlier this year I can't get a break to save my life). I suffered bad injuries from that accident as well and loss a total of 4 months combined both cases. Both insurance companies have accepted liability. I gave both cases to my attorney. From the beginning my Lawyer was evasive with me about the direction of my case, he wouldn't return my phone calls unless I mailed him a certified letter saying he needs to call me, and making it clear to him in the letter that I'm considering moving on. Any who...I also found out that he failed to tell me that the insurance company made an offer on my car accident case. I confronted him and asked him to mail me paperwork with the settlement info and he did not. that was in April of this year. Yesterday his Son whom is also a lawyer at his firm called me to ask me additional info about my slip and fall which happened almost six months ago. He was very rude and aggressive with me. When I checked his behavior he became rude and demanding and hung up the phone on me. I called the firm and asked to speak my Lawyer (his father). The receptionist asked me what was wrong and I told her what went down. I said this is an emergency message for my attorney. Two minutes later I received a call from my firm thinking it was my lawyer. It was his Son asking did I call him. I said no and the message was for the senior lawyer. He came SO upset and screaming and yelling, saying that I heard you wanted to move on with your case and hung up the phone on me again! Since yesterday I have received no call from my attorney about what happened. I know I need to fire my Lawyer, indeed I know that much but I'm concerned that i might have to pay two firms. I know he could put a lien on my case but I want to know how do I voluntary get him to quit my case. This firm does not have my best interest and has failed to communicate with me. They are disrespectful and has been abusive. It is impossible to do business with them. I 'am speaking with a new firm and they said that getting him to release my case along with the financial agreements and the new prospect lawyer said it would be his battle but that sounds too damn good to be true. Any insight would be appreciated, but only from those that are knowledgeable and will not make condescending remarks. I'm patient in all my cases closing but I have $ 11,00.00 of medical bills lingering over me and I do not want my credit score to be compromised. By the way all the doctors my attorney sent me to did not take my medical insurance (or any medical insurance) and all the doctors were in a legal ring meaning they only see Personal injury and workers Comp patients, who have lawyers. I regret this terribly. HELP,MAYDAY!!!!

If you believe your lawyer to not be as diligent as you need them to be and the attorney isn't communicating with you about important events and details, file a complaint with the attorney grievance commission (AGC) in your state. I don't feel like reading your long details. Have a good day.

Yes fire your lawyer. It sounds as if you aren't his first priority. Also report him to the BBB.

Julie B
I would send a letter to sever the ties with this law firm certified mail and then send the above information in letter form to the lawyer's board of licensing for state with both cases. I would check and try to locate a new lawyer and tell him of lyour previous trouble with communication and such continue with your new lawyer.

There may a wait and some more legal problems but please talk to your new attroney and I wish you Good Luck.

you should definately and immediately see another civil lawyer

i mean TOMORROW! go and explain this to another lawyer and he may even file suit against your old lawyer

you should not be treated like this

I am sorry about your situation. If you visit they can give you some sound advice. Here is an example of a personal injury case through this firm

You need to have precise details, facts, dates, and times before you go after an attorney, because your attorney has everything that happened in writing. Attorneys don't handle emergencies, so leaving a message that you have an emergency, rather than stating your questions, wastes your time and your attorney's. The retainer agreement you signed most likely specified that any attorney in the office could handle any aspect of your case, so calling and demanding to speak to a specific attorney, without any specific issue, further aggravates the situation. If the other attorneys that you met with were interested in your case, all they had to do was draw up a simple paper vacating your current attorney and appointing themselves, forward it to your attorney, and have it signed and filed with the court before sundown.

Negligence cases can take years to resolve and often do not result in awards that cover the medical bills. You are not paralyzed or permanently disabled, so you should not expect a large award, if any. Provide your attorney's contact information to your doctors and maintain contact to decrease the chances of being sent to collection. In the future, retain an attorney based on referrals from other people and not from ads on buses.

If you threaten to report your attorney to any governing body, the attorney must withdraw from your case because you then become adversaries. If you have already made this threat, then you need to retain new counsel.

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