aka which offence holds more consequence if the alleged suspect is subject to the full extent of the law?
Attempted Murder
(WITH the intent of killing. Result: grievous bodily harm caused to victim)
Involuntary Manslaughter
(NO intent in killing. Result: death Purely accidental, due to negligence)

I believe manslaughter is persecuted more harshly.

Al Bundy
I'm sure it differs between states. Here you could get 20 years for attempted murder but only 10 for 2nd degree manslaughter.

you would think attempted murder would be considered worse, but then again i'm not sure because my friend got charged with manslaughter and he got 16 yrs.

Olin Moyle
It depends on the state, but attempted murder seems more evil to me than a simple accidental killing.

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Orignal From: Which is considered worse according to the law? Attempted MURDER or Manslaughter?