Fact - A plan was offered but it didn't get any press or support by Nancy "do it my way or the highway" Pelosi. Here is a summary of what was offered:

By the way, this took me about 30 seconds to find.


The Republican Alternative
Republicans in the House of Representatives unveiled a 3-and-a-half page summary of their own health plan, without details or an estimate of costs, but emphasized that their plan would cost less than the Democratic plan.

Key Provisions of the House GOP Plan

States, small businesses, and others could group together to offer lower-cost, health care plans.
Medicaid users could take the value of their Medicaid benefits and transfer them to a private health care plan.
People, especially those in lower income brackets or over 55, would receive incentives to build up health care savings accounts.
Employers would automatically sign up their workers for health insurance, so that employees would have to opt out of coverage if they didn't want it.
Tax deductions on insurance premiums for people who get their plans individually or from their companies.
Ideas in the House GOP Plan that Are Supported by Both Parties

Dependent children can stay on their parents' policies until they are 25.
Employers would be encouraged to reward employees for improved health.
Community health centers could be expanded.
Americans can maintain their specific health insurance policies when they lose or leave jobs.
In-home care over institutional care would be encouraged with financial help.
Medical malpractice lawsuits would be limited - though there are significant disagreements between the parties by how much.

US Army Veteran
That is the existing failed health are system made worse, not reform.

All it really provides is "encouragment".

V for Vendetta
It's because their plan is only a slight variation to the "rape the public all it can be raped" plan that we now have. Nobody sees any difference so they don't see it as a newly introduced plan.

That isn't reform! That is what we have now!!

Tort reform - give me a break. There is already a tool in place for frivilous lawsuits. It is called a Motion for Summary Judgment.

Because NO plan that the Conservatives come up with will be acceptable by the dims/libs.....They stupidly believe that 0bama's healthcare is the answer...no if, ands or buts about it!!

the rick
Your first mistake is assuming that democrats care about the FACTS, they dont . they will lie cheat and steal to get their agenda across,the facts mean nothing to them, who cares that this bill will further erode our economy,it is a way for the democrat party to gain government control over the American people and that is all they truly care about.they dont care about the people they only care about "controlling"the people . just ask yourself if this is such a great policy then why are the people pushing it not going to take part in it? they will be excluded from the government plan

Paul Grass
Democrats saty in denial they follow and never lead, they can deny all they want but it doesn't change the facts, this is a much better plan imo

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Orignal From: Why do democrats insist that republicans have not offered a plan on health care?